Apostolic journey of His Holiness Pope Francis to Ireland on the occasion of the World Meeting of Fa

Saturday 25 August 2018
ROME-DUBLIN 8.15am - Departure by plane from Rome/Fiumicino for Dublin
10.30am - Arrival at Dublin International Airport OFFICIAL WELCOME
10.45am - Transfer to Áras an Uachtaráin
11.15am - Arrival at the Presidential Residence Welcome Ceremony in front of the main entrance of the Residence 11.30am Courtesy visit to the President in the Presidential Residence
12pm - Transfer to Dublin Castle
12.10pm - Arrival at Dublin Castle Meeting with authorities, civil society and diplomatic Corps in Dublin Castle Speech of the Holy Father
3.30pm - Arrival at St Mary's Pro-Cathedral Visit to the Cathedral Greeting of the Holy Father 4.15pm - Transfer to the Day Centre of the Capuchin Fathers
4.30pm – Private visit to the Day Centre for Homeless Families of the Capuchin Fathers
7.30pm - Arrival at Croke Park Stadium
7.45pm – Feast of Families in Croke Park Stadium Speech of the Holy Father
Sunday 26 August 2018 DUBLIN – KNOCK – DUBLIN - ROME
8.40am - Departure by plane for Knock 9.20am - Arrival at the Airport in Knock Immediate transfer to the Shrine 9.45am - Arrival at Knock Shrine Visit to the Chapel of Knock Shrine Angelus on the square in front of the Shrine Angelus of the Holy Father 10.45am - Transfer to the airport in Knock 11.10am - Arrival at the airport in Knock 11.15am - Departure by plane for Dublin 11.50am - Arrival at Dublin International Airport Lunch with the Papal Delegation 2.30pm - Arrival at Phoenix Park 3pm – Holy Mass in Phoenix Park Homily of the Holy Father Meeting with the bishops in the Convent of the Dominican Sisters Speech of the Holy Father 6.30pm - Arrival at Dublin International Airport Farewell Ceremony 6.45pm - Departure by plane for Rome/Ciampino 11pm - Arrival at the Airport of Rome/Ciampino