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Holy Week Schedule

Please see the following details of upcoming Holy worship schedule as announced at Palm Sunday Mass:-


Good Friday: Kurishinte Vazhi

Church: Sacred Heart Church, West-side, Galway.

Time: 6 pm

Church: Good Shepherd Church Dougheska, Galway.

Time: 5:30 pm


Children's Retreat : Lead by Evangelisation Team Ireland'

Date: Easter Monday 17th April 2017.

Venue: CUMASU Centre, Good Shepherd Church, Doughiska.

Registration starting: 8:45 am

Registration Fee: FREE

Retreat starting: 9 am to 3 pm

Food/Snacks/Drinks: Will be provided to All Children.

Please be make sure, All parents should send their Children that who are attending Catechism Classes. There are 8 members from 'Evangelisation Team Ireland' are presenting this Retreat. There will be separate age group streams for this Activity based Children Retreat with age group 5-8's; 9-12's; and 13-16's.

We have a very dedicated 'Volunteering Team' supporting this Retreat all the way. Thanking you very kindly with their Commitment & Time towards same; without volunteers & without volunteer financial-contributions this may not be possible as we have Huge Expenses towards same.


EASTER HOLY MASS on Monday 17th April after Children's Retreat at Good Shepherd Church, Doughiska,

followed by Easter Dinner at GAA Club Doughiska.

"We accompany, we follow Jesus, but above all we know that He accompanies Us and Carries Us on his Shoulders" Pope Francis.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact your dedicated Unit Executive Committee member or me or Rev. Fr. Jaison respectively.

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